Jail Jewelry: The Fascinating World of Handcuff Collecting
How The Greatest Living Escape Artist Started - High School Senior Michael Griffin Shows Antique English Figure 8 Handcuffs That He Must Escape From Or Suffer Defeat At The Rim Of The World Variety Show.
Locked in Time: The Handcuffs That Hold History
To most people, handcuffs are symbols of captivity—but to Michael Griffin, they are artifacts of history, innovation, and defiance.
As the world’s top escape artist, Griffin has spent his life proving that no lock can hold him. Now, through oldhandcuffs.net, he is preserving these very restraints by curating the most comprehensive handcuff collection ever assembled.
The Evolution of Handcuffs
Handcuffs have come a long way from crude iron shackles to sophisticated high-security devices. Griffin’s collection highlights every stage of this evolution, including:
Antique Darby cuffs from the 1800s
Civil War-era iron restraints
Hiatt handcuffs from London’s Metropolitan Police
Rare thumb cuffs and transport hobbles
Modern high-security cuffs used by elite law enforcement agencies
But for Griffin, it’s not just about the metal—it’s about the stories locked within them. Who wore them? Were they part of a daring escape? Did they once restrain an infamous outlaw? These are the mysteries that make handcuff collecting so thrilling.
The Ultimate Handcuff Collection
Michael Griffin is always looking to buy, trade, and document unique handcuffs. If you have a rare pair, don’t let history fade away—be part of the most ambitious handcuff collection ever assembled.
💰 Sell your handcuffs today. Contact oldhandcuffs.net to preserve restraint history.
🔗 Related Websites: MichaelGriffinEscapes.com