Rare Vintage Handcuffs For Sale Now: American and German Antique Handcuffs
--I'm offering several pair of Rare Vintage Handcuffs-- Please pass this along to anyone who might have an interest thanks!

Bean Giant - Houdini got famous with this legendary handcuff. There was a reward to anyone who could escape from it, a very young Houdini did and they would not pay him the reward because Houdini would not divulge his method!
This is the earlier version of the Bean Giant, It is stamped Pat. Nov. '87 on the back The cuff is in an open position, the locks need to be cleaned.
There is no key. Price: $300.00 OBO =================
Deutsche Polizei - This is a hard to find cuff in this configuration, it has double lock activating levers on the back of the handcuffs. It is the later model of a famous handcuff that dates back to the 1940s It is in excellent condition and has the original key.
Price: $200.00 OBO ==================
Bean Prison - The heavy version of the world-famous Bean handcuff. This is another handcuff invented by Capt. Bean who invented the famous Bean Giant. This cuff is in good condition. It has the patent dates 1884 stamped around the clevis. It has a working key.
Price: $200.00 OBO =================
Horst Moabit - Transport Belt, exceedingly rare. This item is in excellent plus condition and has the original key!
Price: $700.00 OBO